Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lover Tired

What can I say?  I'm in a poem kinda mood lately. 

Nothing but this room
Nothing but this bed
Nothing but the moon
Painting pictures on your back
Instead of conjuring the tides
Begging wolves to bay
While we lay
What's yours; What's mine
And there's nothing but us
All this time

Maybe it's been days
Maybe it's been years
Maybe it's all plays
Written centuries ago
A calligraphy of haze floating over our skin
That tells us it's our turn
For what we yearn
Just for now
Our spirits combine
As we reach for the peak
Of this tide

Lover tired
Floating away
Drifting in the current of the love we just made
Ntohing else matters
'Cuz I'm high on this dream
Riding the wave of fresh memories
With my mind all muddy
And cheeks on fire
'Cuz that's how it feels to be
Lover tired

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